


  1. she developed fever, myalgia, arthralgia, diarrhea and vomiting on april 7
  2. she developed fever, myalgia, arthralgia, diarrhea and vomiting on april 7
  3. influenza is characterized by fever, myalgia, headache, pharyngitis, cough and prostration
  4. a dh spokesman said the case involved a 57-year-old man . he developed fever, myalgia and arthralgia on november 5
  5. most of the affected people were students . they developed very mild symptoms of respiratory tract infection including fever, cough and myalgia
  6. It's difficult to find myalgias in a sentence. 用myalgias造句挺难的
  7. most of the affected people were students . they developed very mild symptoms of respiratory tract infection including fever, cough and myalgia
  8. the early clinical features of mctd are nonspecific, and may consist of general malaise, arthralgias, myalgias, and low-grade fever
  9. an acute zoonotic disease caused by the new world hantaviruses and is characterised by fever, myalgias and gi symptoms followed by the abrupt onset of respiratory distress and hypotension
  10. a dh spokesman said the case involved a 40-year-old man . he developed fever, headache, myalgia and rash on october 30 . he is now in stable condition
  11. a dh spokesman said the case involved a 32-year-old man . he developed fever, headache, myalgia, arthralgia, and rash on october 29 and has recovered
  12. all three men had been working in a south-east asian country throughout the incubation period, and they had returned to hong kong recently . the case confirmed on august 15 involved a 54-year-old man who developed fever, headache and myalgia on july 27
  13. patient usually presented with fever, headache, rash, myalgia, chills and upper or lower respiratory tract symptoms . encephalitis, myocarditis and thrombophlebitis are occasional complications . person to person transmission is rare
  14. conclusions ? on the basis of data aailable from published clinical trials, statin therapy is associated with a small excess risk of transaminase eleations, but not of myalgias, creatine kinase eleations, rhabdomyolysis, or withdrawal of therapy compared with placebo
  15. the patients, a 54-year-old man and his 53-year-old wife, developed fever, chills and severe myalgia on april 11 . they were admitted to pamela youde nethersole eastern hospital on april 14 . their blood samples were positive for leptospirosis today
  16. today s cases involved a 28-year-old man who developed myalgia and rash on august 11, and a 47-year-old man who developed fever, rash, headache and myalgia on july 20 . all three patients had recovered . the dh has already informed the consulate general of the south-east asian country in hong kong about this cluster of imported cases
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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