pork carcass造句

"pork carcass"是什么意思   


  1. Conservation restraints made the excavation of intact casks too costly, however, analysis of both beef and pork carcasses artefacts recovered from " William Salthouse " found that these examples of imported salted meats would be indistinguishable from Australian terrestrial sites in Australia due to commonalities in butchering techniques.
  2. Amongst the other scientists called Einstein there is M . E . Einstein who came up with a formula for predicting the composition of a pork carcass, and Rosemary Einstein who co-investigated the use of cannabis, alcohol and tobacco on 300 young persons at her university . ( Schreiber)
  3. The Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration assessed a $ 175, 000 civil penalty against JBS / Swift on December 22, 2010, for violations of the Packers and Stockyards Act by failing to disclose when missing Fat-O-Meat er data had prevented JBS from calculating the lean percentage of a particular pork carcass or carcasses in a seller s lot, and substituting an undisclosed lean value for pork carcasses with missing data when calculating carcass-merit payment for hogs delivered to JBS Worthington, MN, Marshalltown, IA, and Louisville, KY, processing plants.
  4. The Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration assessed a $ 175, 000 civil penalty against JBS / Swift on December 22, 2010, for violations of the Packers and Stockyards Act by failing to disclose when missing Fat-O-Meat er data had prevented JBS from calculating the lean percentage of a particular pork carcass or carcasses in a seller s lot, and substituting an undisclosed lean value for pork carcasses with missing data when calculating carcass-merit payment for hogs delivered to JBS Worthington, MN, Marshalltown, IA, and Louisville, KY, processing plants.
  5. It's difficult to find pork carcass in a sentence. 用pork carcass造句挺难的


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  7. "pork cheek meat"造句
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  10. "pork chop"造句

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