stabilising property prices造句

"stabilising property prices"是什么意思   


  1. Stabilising property prices -
  2. Stabilise property prices and review the nine - month moratorium on land sales by early 1999
  3. The main and overriding concern has been to stabilise property prices to prevent the rapid increases which contributed to a bubble economy
  4. And these other objectives may be highly desirable , particularly in the short term : for example , boosting economic growth , creating employment opportunities or stabilising property prices
  5. I am optimistic that the measures recently introduced by the hong kong monetary authority will help to steady interest rates . i believe that our approach to meeting housing needs , together with the series of measures implemented in the past year , will help to stabilise property prices
  6. It's difficult to find stabilising property prices in a sentence. 用stabilising property prices造句挺难的
  7. I am optimistic that the measures recently introduced by the hong kong monetary authority will help to steady interest rates . i believe that our approach to meeting housing needs , together with the series of measures implemented in the past year , will help to stabilise property prices


  1. "stabilisers"造句
  2. "stabilises"造句
  3. "stabilising"造句
  4. "stabilising material"造句
  5. "stabilising mount"造句
  6. "stabilising surface"造句
  7. "stabilisings"造句
  8. "stabilit"造句
  9. "stabilities"造句

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