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physical configuration中文是什么意思

用"physical configuration"造句"physical configuration"怎么读"physical configuration" in a sentence


  • 实体组态
  • 物理完形


  • Figure 1 depicts the physical configuration of the system
  • Thus , the wave equations have to be written in curvilinear coordinates before applying the numerical scheme . because the grid is cartesian in the curvilinear domain , standard pseudospectral technique can be applied . at last the synthetic record of physical configuration can be evaluated
  • This paper gives a brief introduction on the development of the toll road and network toll collection at home and foreign , studies the physical configuration and network configuration of toll collection system . it brings forward a network toll collection based on the computer network and non - contact ic card , which is safe and reliable . at last , this paper discusses the toll liquidation and split of toll collection system
用"physical configuration"造句  


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