用"scruff"造句"scruff"怎么读"scruff" in a sentence"scruff"的同义词
- n.
颈背。 take (sb.) by the scruff of the neck 抓住(某人)颈背。
- "scruff plate" 中文翻译 : 镀锡薄板
- "nape; scruff of neck; nucha; scruff" 中文翻译 : 颈背
- "scrufari" 中文翻译 : 斯克鲁法里
- "scruffy" 中文翻译 : adj. (scruffier; scruffiest) 1.褴褛的;蓬乱的;邋遢的;杂乱的。 2.卑鄙的,可鄙的。 scruffily adv. scruffiness n.
- "scrudato" 中文翻译 : 斯克鲁达托
- "scruffy plate" 中文翻译 : 锡污板
- "scrubwoman" 中文翻译 : 女清洁工
- "scrufily dressed" 中文翻译 : 衣着不整洁
- "scrubtyphus" 中文翻译 : 丛林斑疹伤寒 恙虫病
- "scruggs" 中文翻译 : 斯克鲁格斯
- "scrubscrub wetlandd" 中文翻译 : 矮灌木湿地
- The cat picked up the kitten by the scruff of its neck
大猫叼著小猫的颈背 - She grab me by the scruff of my neck and throw me out
她抓著我的颈背把我扔了出去。 - She grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and threw me out
她抓著我的颈背把我扔了出去 - Or who was it used to eat the scruff off his own head
233是谁净吃自己脖颈后面的头皮呀 - Real progress will be when female chief executives can walk around looking like scruffs
当女性首席执行官们不用精心打扮就能出场的时候,那才是真正的进步。 - I adore the way that he picks up the opposing player that he has just clattered into by the scruff of the neck
我崇拜他,他把刚刚因为拼抢撞倒在地的对手友好的拉起来。 - She flung a cup at me and i took her by the scruff of the neck and squeezed the life out of her
以毒攻毒,我也不让,她把个茶杯向我头上飞过来。我扼着她了的颈项,把她窒得魂出七窍。 - The bulldog growls , his scruff standing , a gobbet of pigs knuckle between his molars through which rabid scrumspittle dribbles
身穿加冕服,披着紫斗篷,威风凛凛地对唐郡兼康纳主教谢谢你,多少有些名气的阁下。 - Unable to take care of the filthy man in front of him , officer zhuang became furious and grabbed him by the scruff of the neck , yanking him up
庄警官大怒,顾不上眼前的男子衣着肮脏,一把抓住他胸口的衣襟,将男子揪了起来。 - Mme hugon was content to look at him with eyes full of tears while philippe , who had been put in possession of the facts , threatened to go and drag him home by the scruff of the neck if ever he went back into that woman s society
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- scruff artinya
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- scruff перевод
- scruffとは意味scruff n. えり首, 首筋. 【前置詞+】 ◆I held him by the scruff of the neck. 彼のえり首をつかんだ Take him by the scruff of the neck and shake him. 彼のえり首をつかんで彼をゆすりなさい. 【+前置詞】 ◆She grabbed me by the scruff of the neck. 私の首...
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