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vegetative reproduction中文是什么意思

用"vegetative reproduction"造句"vegetative reproduction"怎么读"vegetative reproduction" in a sentence


  • 营养繁殖
  • 营养生殖
  • 营养体生殖
  • 营养增殖


  • The new plant forms new bulbs in vegetative reproduction .
  • This plant is suitable for grazing in the dry region . this plant has prosperous vegetative reproduction
  • However , d . versipellis also processes vegetative reproduction by rhizome and root . based on optimization of reaction conditions and systems , rapd - pcr was performed to detect the genetic diversity and popolation - genetic structure of the five d . versipellis populations and are d . pleiantha population
  • Horticultural plants are prone to infected by various virus during long term vegetative reproduction , which have blocked the growth and development of horticultural plants , and reduced their economy value , hence great importance have been attached to the prevention and treatment of virus disease in the world
用"vegetative reproduction"造句  
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