12 disciples造句
- He had 12 disciples, among them notable are Tolkappiar and Agatiar.
- If Jesus had access to the Internet, would he have needed 12 disciples?
- Everything starts from a small beginning-even Christianity started with just 12 disciples.
- Back when Christ walked the Earth, he did it via himself and 12 disciples,
- From 12 disciples, according to Biblical accounts, it has increased to nearly 2 billion followers.
- According to tradition, most of Jesus'original 12 disciples died violently while spreading the Gospel.
- Moses was the shortstop and the 12 disciples were in the dugout the last time I closed,
- :As for the 12 disciples, different gospels enumerate them to 12 and name the disciples.
- Ligon added 81, including Jesus, John the Baptist, the Virgin Mary and all 12 disciples.
- I tell people, hey, Jesus had 12 disciples and he only got 92 percent of the vote,
- It's difficult to see 12 disciples in a sentence. 用12 disciples造句挺难的
- One reader suggests the 13 pieces represent Jesus and the 12 disciples; another, the 13 original colonies.
- Buck begins to steer his 12 disciples across the street when, suddenly, one stops to do his business.
- Under a full moon, the actor portraying Jesus washed the feet of his 12 disciples, volunteers from the audience.
- Castellanos is noted as the leading proponent of the G12 Vision, which is based upon the mentoring of 12 disciples.
- The society has always had 12 members ( just as there always were 12 disciples ), each one called a trustee.
- The pope recalled that it was on the same site that Jesus gathered his 12 disciples for the Sermon on the Mount.
- An apostle has traditionally been viewed as one of the 12 disciples who knew Jesus during his earthly ministry or Paul, converted shortly afterward.
- Today, churches in Lima and Cuzco still display Indian depictions of the Last Supper with Jesus and the 12 disciples eating roasted guinea pig.
- The story followed a fiction with a Guru and his 12 disciples being cursed by the Angels to behave stupid until the angel gets married.
- The New Testament says Jesus washed the feet of his 12 disciples when they ate one last meal together on the day before he was crucified.
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