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132nd infantry brigade造句

  • In 1939 the brigade was redesignated "'132nd Infantry Brigade " '.
  • What remained of 6th Brigade moved to the southern section of the Alamein line where it manned defensive positions during the British 132nd Infantry Brigade, | group = Note } } made a nighttime attack.
  • At the start of the Second Sino-Japanese War, GotM commanded the Tsushima Fortress until 1938, when he was promoted to major general and appointed commander of the 132nd Infantry Brigade of the IJA 104th Division.
  • It's difficult to see 132nd infantry brigade in a sentence. 用132nd infantry brigade造句挺难的
如何用132nd infantry brigade造句,用132nd infantry brigade造句132nd infantry brigade in a sentence, 用132nd infantry brigade造句和132nd infantry brigade的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。