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  • 1842 general strike    The Chartist 1842 General Strike was ignited by striking collieries in the Potteries and led to the 1842 Pottery Riots. In 1842 the demands for fairer wages and conditions across many diff...
  • 1842 hynek    "' 1842 Hynek "', provisional designation 1972 AA, is a stony asteroid from the inner regions of the asteroid belt, about 9 kilometers in diameter.
  • 1842 in canada    Three of the Geddies'children died in their infancy : Jane Fraser Geddie was born June 11, 1842 in Canada and died there March 10, 1846.
  • 1842 in india    James was born in 1842 in India.
  • 1842 in ireland    Robert Tomlinson was born in 1842 in Ireland. Born in 1842 in Ireland, O'Connell immigrated to the United States and was living in New York when he joined the U . S . Navy. Born 1842 in Ir...
  • 1842 retreat from kabul    He helped man the rear-guard during the army's 1842 retreat from Kabul from Kabul to Peshawar. She had developed a reputation for her military pictures after the favourable reception of he...
  • 1842 spain hurricane    Vince was the first tropical system to do so since the 1842 Spain hurricane. Venezuela, the 4 provinces of Atlantic Canada, and Atlantic Hurricane Vince, which made landfall on the southwe...
  • 1842年    他于1842年结婚,在康科德村居住。 1842年W.R.grove创制了氢-氧燃料电池。 斯密约瑟先知于1842年成立妇女会。 1842年7月9日他结婚,婚姻非常美满。 1842年,鸦片战争以中国战败结束。 《犹太人的榉树》(Die Judenbuche,1842年)。 1842年,英军进攻江浙,沿海危急。 1842年3月11日他宣布引入7%的所得税。 1842年以歌剧《纳...
  • afghan uprising of 1842    He used its columns to argue against retaliation after the Afghan uprising of 1842.
  • armed occupation act of 1842    Crystal River had been part of Armed Occupation Act of 1842, which had brought settlers to the area. Following the Second Seminole War, settlers were encouraged into the area due to the pa...
  • coal mines act 1842    It supported the commission headed by Lord Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury and the passing of the Coal Mines Act 1842 which prohibited all females and boys under ten from wo...
  • copyright act 1842    The Copyright Act 1842 passed, but " fell far short of Talfourd's dream of a uniform, consistent, codified law of copyright ". Despite a period of instability known as the Battle of the Bo...
  • dean forest act 1842    "' The Dean Forest Act 1842 "'( 5 & 6 Vict c 65 ), sometimes referred to as the "'Ecclesiastical Districts in Forest of Dean Act 1842 "', was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom...
  • deaths in 1842    Upon her death in 1842, she bequeathed him a slave. Otherwise, the property remained largely unchanged until his death in 1842. Ireland remained Dean of Westminster until his death in 1842...
  • ecclesiastical districts in forest of dean act 1842    "' The Dean Forest Act 1842 "'( 5 & 6 Vict c 65 ), sometimes referred to as the "'Ecclesiastical Districts in Forest of Dean Act 1842 "', was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom...
  • income tax act 1842    The United Kingdom income tax was reintroduced by Sir Robert Peel in the Income Tax Act 1842.
  • infanteriegewehr modell 1842    The "'Infanteriegewehr Modell 1842 "'( ) was one of the first standardised service rifles used by the Swiss armed forces.
  • liberal revolution of 1842    One of the most significant events of this period was the Liberal Revolution of 1842.
  • literary society of 1842    With a group of students from the National Institute, he formed the Literary Society of 1842, an entity for the dissemination of liberal ideas then prohibited by the government of Manuel B...
  • mines act of 1842    The commission sparked public outrage which resulted in the Mines Act of 1842. The Mines Act of 1842 prohibited the employment of women and girls and boys under the age of ten from working...
  • mines and collieries act 1842    Hatherton made a number of important speeches in the period leading up to Mines and Collieries Act 1842. Before the Mines and Collieries Act 1842, women ( and children ) worked underground...
  • model 1842 musket    Approximately 275, 000 Model 1842 muskets were produced at the state militia of South Carolina. Like the Model 1842 musket, the Model 1847 musketoon used barrel bands to attach the barrel ...
  • parish apprentices act 1842    The "'Parish Apprentices Act 1842 "'( 5 & 6 Vict . c . 4 ) was an Act of Parliament in the United Kingdom, which received the Royal Assent on 23 March 1842 and was repealed in 1927.

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