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184th rifle division造句

  • After the Soviet occupation of Lithuania on June 15, 1940, the Lithuanian Army was reorganized into the 184th Rifle Divisions of the Red Army and adopted Russian ranks.
  • In the spring of 1945 Andrusenko took command of the 184th Rifle Division in the Soviet Far East and led it in the Soviet invasion of Manchuria in August of that year.
  • After the momentous victory in the Battle of Stalingrad the Soviet troops proceeded to nationwide counter-offensives and Shanina on 2 April 1944 joined the 184th Rifle Division, where a separate female sniper platoon had been formed.
  • On June 8, 1946, on the basis of the 184th Rifle Division and the 18th Machine Gun Artillery Brigade, the 18th Machine-Gun Artillery Division was created in Primorski Krai, comprising the 38, 40, and 49th Machine-Gun Artillery Regiments.
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