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194 bc造句

"194 bc"是什么意思  
  • In 194 BC, Wiman, who founded Wiman Joseon.
  • He died in 194 BC at the age of 82 in his beloved Alexandria.
  • In 194 BC it became a Roman colony.
  • The first person to use the word " geography " was Eratosthenes ( 276 194 BC ).
  • The original Xi'an city wall was started in 194 BC and took 4 years to finish.
  • After several other clashes, the Insubres made an alliance with Rome in 194 BC, maintaining some autonomy.
  • In 194 BC, war first broke out between the Romans and the Lusitanians, who were an autonomous people.
  • Eratosthenes of Alexandria, who died about 194 BC, wrote on astronomy and geography, but his work is known mainly from later summaries.
  • It was dedicated in 194 BC on the Ides of February, anticipating by two days the major Roman festival of Faunus, the Lupercalia.
  • The first reference to Liternum dates from Roman times : the historian Livy wrote that in 194 BC thirty Roman families set up a colony there.
  • It's difficult to see 194 bc in a sentence. 用194 bc造句挺难的
  • The "'Battle of Placentia "'was fought in 194 BC, near Battle of Mutina, it would end the Boii threat.
  • In 194 BC the praetors " Publius Cornelius Scipio Nasica " and " Sextus Digitus " were assigned Hispania Ulterior and Citerior respectively.
  • The League is first attested during the reign of Demetrios Poliorketes ( r . 294 288 BC ), but is not mentioned again until from 194 BC on.
  • One morning in the winter of 194 BC, Emperor Hui went for a hunting trip and did not bring Liu Ruyi with him because the latter refused to get out of bed.
  • Following two small-scale rebellions in 197 BC, in 195 194 BC war broke out between the Romans and the Lusitani people in the Lusitanian War, in modern-day Portugal.
  • In winter of 194 BC, when Liu Fei, Prince of Qi his older brother made an official visit to the capital, they both attended a feast put on by Empress Dowager L?
  • However, he was still elected censor in 194 BC with Gaius Cornelius Cethegus, possibly out of respect for his skills as a jurist, possibly out of respect for his elder brother, a former censor.
  • His younger brother was Sextus Aelius Paetus Catus who became consul in 198 BC and censor in 194 BC, and is best known to us via Cicero as a jurist and commentator on the " Twelve Tables ".
  • The Greek astronomer Eratosthenes ( 276 194 BC ) invented the first armillary sphere in 255 BC . The Chinese armillary sphere was fully developed by 52 BC, with the astronomer Geng Shouchang's addition of a permanently fixed equatorial ring.
  • After centuries of struggle, in 194 BC the entire area of what is now Lombardy became a Roman province with the name of Gallia Cisalpina ( " Gaul on the inner side ( with respect to Rome ) of the Alps " ).
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