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1977 world rowing championships造句

  • The "'1977 World Rowing Championships "'was the 6th World Rowing Championships.
  • The 1977 World Rowing Championships saw Sutherland win silver in the coxless four with Des Lock, David Lindstrom and Dave Rodger under new coach Harry Mahon.
  • The 1977 World Rowing Championships saw Rodger secure second spot in the coxless four with Ivan Sutherland, David Lindstrom and Des Lock under new coach Harry Mahon . 1981 saw Rodger gain a seat back in the elite men's eight as stroke but also saw Rodger for the first time relinquish a top three spot as he'd scored in previous world championships.
  • It's difficult to see 1977 world rowing championships in a sentence. 用1977 world rowing championships造句挺难的
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