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1978 spanish constitution造句

  • The MCA campaigned against the 1978 Spanish Constitution.
  • After the 1978 Spanish Constitution, the Ayuntamiento follows a collegiate-representative model, with features of a legislative autonomy.
  • This type of arrangement was foreshadowed in the 1924 Cadige constitution and was followed in a number of subsequent constitutions including the 1978 Spanish Constitution.
  • Basque nationalist parties overall deny legitimacy to the 1978 Spanish Constitution in the Basque Autonomous Community and Navarre ( Southern Basque Country ), which did not receive Basque input.
  • We must highlight that the aforementioned Dictionary first meaning for  Fuero is the charter of a given territory that the 1978 Spanish Constitution has preserved for Navarre and the Basque Country.
  • This was the last use of 1978 Spanish Constitution largely abolished the death penalty, with the exception of limited cases in times of war, and these exceptions were abolished in 1995.
  • The Spanish government and national opposition parties reacted angrily to the plan, with spokesman Eduardo Zaplana accusing Ibarretxe of rewriting the 1978 Spanish constitution that bars the secession of any part of Spain.
  • It's difficult to see 1978 spanish constitution in a sentence. 用1978 spanish constitution造句挺难的
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