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2015 flood造句

  • Post the 2015 floods, EFI's role in mobilizing volunteers and restoring freshwater bodies in Chennai became furthermore important.
  • In September 2015 floods the temple oozed fresh water due to its below level that people of surrounding area used for domestic and bath purpose.
  • During the 2015 floods in Chennai and areas of Tamil Nadu, Arun and EFI was involved in relief work in Chennai and several villages in Cuddalore District.
  • On June 17, 1965, fifty years before the 2015 flood, Cimarron River had overflowed in 1965, and tributaries of Ponil Creek had overflowed in 2015.
  • New Zealand Red Cross has responded to national disasters such as the Christchurch earthquakes, the Hawke s Bay Earthquake, the Tangiwai Disaster, the Wahine Disaster and most recently the June 2015 floods.
  • McLoughlin's efforts to meet and pacify Cumbrian residents of Pooley Bridge and Soulsby following the 2015 floods were ridiculed in " The Independent " when the ministerial party arrived on the wrong side of the collapsed bridge.
  • It's difficult to see 2015 flood in a sentence. 用2015 flood造句挺难的
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