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2015 ford ecoboost 400造句

  • In the 2015 Ford EcoBoost 400, Gordon qualified fifth, the second-best of the Championship Four, and led nine laps.
  • With 797 starts as of the 2015 Ford EcoBoost 400, Gordon is ninth among all-time Cup Series drivers with the most starts overall.
  • Following the 2015 Ford EcoBoost 400 at Homestead-Miami Speedway, a number of drivers attempted to run for a different team than they did in 2015.
  • In the final race of his Sprint Cup career at the 2015 Ford EcoBoost 400, Gordon finished 6th, falling just short of his quest for the fifth championship of his career.
  • The "'2015 Ford EcoBoost 400 "'was a NASCAR Sprint Cup Series race held on November 22, 2015, at Homestead-Miami Speedway in Homestead, Florida.
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