248 bc造句
- The Baghdad Battery, with copper cylinders soldered to lead, dates back to 248 BC to AD 226 and resembles a galvanic cell, leading people to believe this was the first battery; the claim has not been verified.
- The ancient citadel of Arg-?Bam has a history dating back around 2, 000 years ago, to the Parthian Empire ( 248 BC & ndash; 224 AD ), but most buildings were built during the Shiraz.
- Parthian was the language of state of the Arsacid Parthian Empire ( 248 BC 224 AD ), as well as of its eponymous branches of the Arsacid dynasty of Armenia, Arsacid dynasty of Iberia, and the Arsacid dynasty of Caucasian Albania.
- It's difficult to see 248 bc in a sentence. 用248 bc造句挺难的