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a discovery of witches造句

  • In 2011, Harkness published her first work of fiction, " A Discovery of Witches ".
  • In Deborah Harkness'historical fiction novel " A Discovery of Witches ", Diana Bishop is born with a caul.
  • Like its predecessor, " A Discovery of Witches ", it was praised for its blend of history and fantasy.
  • Historian and novelist Deborah Harkness, set much of the early part of her 2011 novel, " A Discovery of Witches ", in the Bodleian, particularly the Selden End.
  • The first novel in the " All Souls " trilogy, " A Discovery of Witches " is a historical fiction novel that tells the story of a modern-day witch who inadvertently calls up an ancient enchanted manuscript at The Book of Life ".
  • And yet, the ideas have just enough suction, somehow, to present an undemanding reader with some nice frissons . " Elizabeth Hand, writing for " The Washington Post ", criticized the subject matter and wrote that " this novel s pacing is so torpid that readers may feel that aged, too . " Comparisons have been made between " A Discovery of Witches " and other popular fantasy series-namely " Twilight ", in the dynamics of Diana and Matthew's relationship, and Harry Potter in the co-existence of magical and non-magical creatures.
  • Many critics pointed out that the novel was too complex, Paula Woods of " The Los Angeles Times " said " Shadow of Night " is " overstuffed but entertaining . " Elizabeth Hand, who previously criticized " A Discovery of Witches " as being too slow, said that " Shadow of Night " " proceeds at a snail s pace " and is " overstuffed with secondary characters and plot elements that never quite earn out . " However, Hand wrote : " Fortunately, Harkness makes up for a lack of narrative thrust by weaving a tapestry of 16th-century European life . " Sarah Willis of " The Plain Dealer " felt similarly : " The many details of place and time are lush, and every opportunity to describe clothes, furniture, buildings, even a mousetrap, is indulged.
  • The " San Antonio Express-News " described it as a " rare historical novel that manages to be as intelligent as it is romantic [ and ] it is supernatural fiction that those of us who usually prefer to stay grounded in reality can get caught up in . " Nisi Shawl of " The Seattle Times " noted that " though the quality of " Discovery's " prose remains no more than clear and serviceable, its erudite references to the leather-bound boards of incunabulae and secret ingredients in medieval inks make it a welcome relief . " Margot Adler of " NPR " called " A Discovery of Witches " " a tour de force, an artful and unusually skilled blending of hard science, history and the supernatural . " A'Best Book of the Month'for February 2011, " Amazon . com " described the novel as " a mesmerizing and addictive read, equal parts history and magic, romance and suspense . . . This smart, sophisticated story harks back to the novels of Anne Rice, but it is as contemporary and sensual as the " Twilight " series-with an extra serving of historical realism ."
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