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a secluded cove造句

"a secluded cove"是什么意思  
  • Finally, Adonis dropped anchor in a secluded cove and announced, " You must swim or you lose ."
  • We hiked in our bathing suits to a secluded cove; we broke out the sunscreen; we sweated when we jogged.
  • Disneyland will be built on reclaimed land in Penny's Bay, a secluded cove on Lantau Island, just west of Hong Kong.
  • The final scenes were filmed in a secluded cove between Zuma Beach and Point Dume on the far eastern end of Westward Beach.
  • The first time you see Avalon, scanning across the water into a secluded cove, it can feel as if you are discovering a miniature Monte Carlo.
  • When the tunnel was dug the workers cut into a smugglers tunnel which ran from a hidden entrance above the cliff down to a secluded cove.
  • If that god was at work at all, it was in the infamous Copper Canyon, a secluded cove accessible only by water that filled up in the afternoons with raucous partyers.
  • But my favorite part was kicking back at the house in the pines above a secluded cove _ hanging out on the large deck in a green-painted Adirondack chair or in the spa.
  • In the summer of 1914, a love-struck 26-year-old Eugene O'Neill wrote a poem for his girlfriend, Beatrice Ashe, titled " Upon Our Beach " _ homage to the romantic days they spent at a secluded cove here.
  • A 17th Century smuggler and pirate Captain Jack White operated from Jack's Hole, a secluded cove where he intercepted goods from British merchant ships and imported goods from France to the annoyance of Crown authorities who were thus deprived of customs revenue.
  • It's difficult to see a secluded cove in a sentence. 用a secluded cove造句挺难的
  • I am saying farewell to this column until the end of summer, intending to seek solace in the more remote islands of Maine, trying in vain to find a secluded cove that has not been invaded by swarms of adventurous sea kayakers.
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