absolute percentage造句
- Dot gain can be measured using a densitometer and color bars in absolute percentages.
- A common accuracy measure that utilizes this is the Mean Absolute Percentage Error ( MAPE ).
- In contrast to the mean absolute percentage error, SMAPE has both a lower bound and an upper bound.
- Measuring the absolute percentage of advertising dollars a single company controls in a single market is not the only issue.
- Forecast errors can be evaluated using a variety of methods namely mean percentage error, root mean squared error, mean absolute percentage error, mean squared error.
- :I think the mean absolute percentage error is fine but Use log of value of guess over actual value then just order the results on that and use non-parametric statistics for the rest.
- A singularity problem of the form'one divided by zero'and / or the creation of very large changes in the Absolute Percentage Error, caused by a small deviation in error, can occur.
- The average absolute percentage change of the Standard & AMP; Poor's 500-stock index ( or the S & AMP; P composite, as it was once known ) was just 1.46 percent.
- The five measures used to evaluate the accuracy of different forecasts were : symmetric mean absolute percentage error ( also known as symmetric MAPE ), average ranking, median symmetric absolute percentage error ( also known as median symmetric APE ), percentage better, and median RAE.
- The five measures used to evaluate the accuracy of different forecasts were : symmetric mean absolute percentage error ( also known as symmetric MAPE ), average ranking, median symmetric absolute percentage error ( also known as median symmetric APE ), percentage better, and median RAE.
- It's difficult to see absolute percentage in a sentence. 用absolute percentage造句挺难的
- Her predecessor used Mean absolute percentage error, but there are problems with this, in that someone who answers " eight million " to " number of miles between the Earth and the sun " is basically an order of magnitude off, but far far off in terms of MAPE, and this will distort the subject's overall score even if he gets every other question perfectly right, and might even perform worse scorewise than subjects who answer 90 million for that question but are grossly off by an order of magnitude for every other question, if the other questions use small quantities.
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