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additional building造句

"additional building"是什么意思  
  • A new wing , with an additional building area of 5 , 000 square metres , was completed in 2001
  • Provides links to an overview of building programs in c , compiler and linker options , and additional build tools
    提供一些链接,这些链接指向有关用c + +生成程序的概述、编译器和链接器选项以及其他生成工具。
  • Additional buildings include the cha chi - ming science tower which houses specialised facilities and staff offices of the science faculty ; the sir run run shaw building which accommodates the school of communication and central administrative and academic support services ; the yeung shui sang building which houses the student affairs office and various student amenities ; the au shue hung centre for film and television , an integral part of the school of communication ; and the wai hang sports centre ( on adjacent kam shing road )
  • It's difficult to see additional building in a sentence. 用additional building造句挺难的
如何用additional building造句,用additional building造句additional building in a sentence, 用additional building造句和additional building的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。