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adela noriega造句

  • In 2001, he starred in " El manantial ", alongside Adela Noriega.
  • The protagonists of this telenovela were Adela Noriega and Luis Uribe, while Noe Murayama starred as antagonist.
  • Victoria Ruffo and Valent韓 Trujillo starred as protagonists, while Blanca Guerra and Adela Noriega starred as main antagonists.
  • Adela Noriega and Eduardo Y狁ez starred as protagonists, while Chantal Andere, Sergio Klainer and Mercedes Olea starred as antagonists.
  • This telenovela starred alongside Adela Noriega, who played War Resource Matilde Penalver, who was the wife of Manuel Fuentes Guerra.
  • In 1997, Ilse obtained an important yet brief role in the telenovela " Mar韆 Isabel " alongside Adela Noriega.
  • "Miss XV " is a television series inspired by the famous 1987 telenovela, Quincea馿ra, starring Thal韆 and Adela Noriega.
  • Adela Noriega, Jorge Salinas and Sergio Sendel starred as protagonists, while Lilia Arag髇, Arleth Ter醤 and Roberto Ballesteros starred as antagonists.
  • The talent director of the station met Ponce and offered Ponce his first role in a soap opera : " Guadalupe ", starring Adela Noriega and Eduardo Y狁ez.
  • In 2008, he was one of the leading actors of the successful telenovela " Fuego en la sangre ", where he shared credits with Adela Noriega and Eduardo Y狁ez.
  • It's difficult to see adela noriega in a sentence. 用adela noriega造句挺难的
  • Adela Noriega and Ren?Strickler starred as protagonists, Helena Rojo and Andr閟 Garc韆 starred as adult protagonists, while Cynthia Klitbo, Enrique Rocha and the leading actress Marga L髉ez starred as antagonists.
  • ""'Guadalupe " "'is a Spanish-language telenovela produced by the Televisi髇 Espa駉la ( TVE ), from 1993, starring Adela Noriega and Eduardo Y狁ez.
  • In 2008, she played the character Rosario Montes in " Fuego en la sangre " alongside Adela Noriega and Eduardo Ya馿z, was nominated by the participating TVyNovelas Award as " Best actress co-star ."
  • From 2005 to 2006, she performed in " El Privilegio de Mandar " ( The Privilege to Command ), which was a parody of an earlier soap opera starring Adela Noriega and was titled " El Privilegio de Amar " ( The Privilege to Love ).
  • Over the years this has changed, however, and she has produced some of Mexico's ( and Latin America's ) most famous soap operas, while working with such famous actors as Adamari L髉ez, Adela Noriega, Lucero, Fernando Colunga, Gabriela Roel and many more.
  • Starring Adela Noriega, Eduardo Y狁ez, Elizabeth 羖varez, Jorge Salinas, Nora Salinas and Pablo Montero as the main protagonists with Diana Bracho, Guillermo Garc韆 Cant?and Susana Zabaleta as the main antagonists and the stellar participations of Ren?Casados, Mar韆 Sort? Patricia Reyes Sp韓dola and Joaqu韓 Cordero and the special participations of Sherlyn and the first actor Carlos Bracho.
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