adherent cell造句
- Human bone marrow samples were obtained from normal person . bone marrow mononuclear cells were isolated with 1 . 073g / ml percoll . mscs were obtained by removing the non - adherent cells
无菌条件下采集正常人的骨髓,用相对密度1 . 073g ml的percoll分离液分离骨髓中的单个核细胞,进而获得msc 。 - The number of adherent cells in special medium was more than that in common medium , but the morphologic difference between two groups was not significant at that time . the difference became significant after 24 hr of culture
肝细胞培养液组贴壁的肝细胞数目明显多于普通培养液组,但此时两组培养液中的小鼠肝细胞在形态学上的差异并不显著。 - It's difficult to see adherent cell in a sentence. 用adherent cell造句挺难的
如何用adherent cell造句,用adherent cell造句,adherent cell in a sentence, 用adherent cell造句和adherent cell的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。