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  • Aeroflot russian international airlines
  • We have caviar from russian aeroflot
  • Aeroflot russian airlines
  • Business interests : made his fortune from oil , aluminium and airline aeroflot
  • Carson said : “ it represents a business relationship between us and aeroflot
    卡尔森表示: “交易表明我们和俄国际航空公司之间的一种商务往来。 ”
  • Scott carson , boeing co . ' s commercial airplanes chief , said delivery of the 787 dreamliners to aeroflot would begin in 2014
    波音公司商用飞机负责人斯科特?卡尔森表示,俄国际航空公司订购的787 “梦想飞机”将从2014年开始交付。
  • A police spokesperson pavel hantak said thursday that police did not have to intervene because the attempted assault was foiled on board the aeroflot flight
  • A police spokesperson ( pavel hantak ) said thursday that police did not have to intervene because the attempted assault was foiled on board the aeroflot flight
  • Boeing and aeroflot signed a deal saturday for the russian carrier to acquire 22 dreamliner jets from the american plane maker
    波音公司和俄罗斯国际航空公司上周六签订了一笔交易,俄国际航空公司将从波音购买22架喷气式“梦幻飞机” 。
  • We flow from toronto to moscow by aeroflot ( the russia national airline ) . they start to use the boeing 320 and 763 . it is very safe and clean . ( really better then we thought )
    我们是坐俄罗斯航空由多伦多飞到莫斯科,其实比我们想像中还好,他们用波音320或763的飞机. .安全而且乾净
  • It's difficult to see aeroflot in a sentence. 用aeroflot造句挺难的
  • Aeroflot , british airways , alitalia and lufthansa all fly from beijing and shanghai to barcelona several times a week , as do several other airlines
  • And whatever the rules say , european governments , spain ' s and italy ' s among them , tend to blanch at foreign control of prized national assets . ( in rome aeroflot ' s bid for alitalia has caused alarm in some quarters
  • Aeroflot , russia ' s largest airline , emerged yesterday as a last - minute contender in the race to buy alitalia as the contest for the italian flag carrier narrowed to three consortia
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