alfred comte造句
- Alfred Comte was appointed by the board as chief pilot for land planes and Walter Mittelholzer as head of the aerial photography department.
- As late as 1929, the Alfred Comte company manufactured eight new D . VII airframes under license for the Swiss " Fliegertruppe ".
- In 1949 a private pilot, a flight instructor and the aviation pioneer Alfred Comte entered into a lease agreement with the " Genossame " ( cooperative ) Wangen.
- In 1924 Alfred Comte founded the " Alfred Comte Flug-und Sportfliegerschule " in Horgen respectively Oberrieden; Walter Mittelholzer became Ad Astra's one and only CEO.
- In 1924 Alfred Comte founded the " Alfred Comte Flug-und Sportfliegerschule " in Horgen respectively Oberrieden; Walter Mittelholzer became Ad Astra's one and only CEO.
- It's difficult to see alfred comte in a sentence. 用alfred comte造句挺难的
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