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  • Antenen gave no further details and declined to specify the charges.
  • Antenen said prisoners are not handcuffed while they are in the cells.
  • Stromeyer had not posted bail, Antenen said on Monday.
  • Antenen said that that was not how it worked.
  • But Police Department Deputy Commissioner Tom Antenen denied that.
  • Antenen said the copy would be removed from the display case as evidence.
  • Deputy Commissioner Thomas Antenen, a police spokesman, said the department was investigating.
  • Antenen said the allegation that Kimes was in escape mode reached jail officials Monday.
  • Ms . Antenen led the way into an area that had escaped the fire altogether.
  • Police spokesman Tom Antenen said his department was informed by the FBI the same day.
  • It's difficult to see antenen in a sentence. 用antenen造句挺难的
  • Antenen was selected as the Swiss Sports Personality of the Year in 1966 and 1971.
  • Antenen said the jail records did not necessarily mean that the inmates were shackled during labor.
  • Salley was charged with assault and has been reclassified as a violent inmate, Antenen said.
  • His beef taco lunch was prepared with minimal sodium for his diabetic condition, Antenen said.
  • Burke was suspended without pay, pending the ruling on the charges against him, Antenen said.
  • An investigation is under way, Antenen said, and inmates involved will be charged with attempted arson.
  • "We are very close, very close, " said Deputy Police Commissioner Thomas Antenen.
  • As a result, the officials recently began restricting gang-identifying jewelry among sentenced prisoners, Antenen said.
  • A spokesman, Tom Antenen, said that the Corrections Department needed extra time to prepare the necessary documents.
  • Fire ecologists like Ms . Antenen would like to see controlled burnings in such areas every 7 to 10 years.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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