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astra 2e造句

  • The last active Eutelsat 28A transponders transferred to Astra 2E on June 29, 2015.
  • Instead it is broadcast over the internet on the Sky who receive their signal from the Astra 2E satellite.
  • "' Astra 2E "'is one of the satellite broadband services for Europe and the Middle East.
  • It is currently moving west to be co-located with the Astra 2E and Astra 2F satellites at 28.2癊.
  • After launch, Astra 2E underwent in-orbit testing at 43.5癊 and began commercial operations at 28.2癊 in February 2014.
  • At this position, Astra 2F also provides capacity on a spot beam deployed on West Africa, and Astra 2E provides a beam across the Middle East.
  • The second, Astra 2E, was launched in 2013 and the third, Astra 2G, was launched in 2014 ( launched on December 27, 2014 ).
  • "Look North " can be watched in any part of the UK ( and Europe ) from Astra 2E on Freesat channel 966 and Sky channel 956.
  • Unlike other SES / Astra spacecraft, the launch order of Astra 2E and Astra 2F is not reflected in their alphabetical names, with Astra 2F launched 10 months before Astra 2E.
  • Unlike other SES / Astra spacecraft, the launch order of Astra 2E and Astra 2F is not reflected in their alphabetical names, with Astra 2F launched 10 months before Astra 2E.
  • It's difficult to see astra 2e in a sentence. 用astra 2e造句挺难的
  • "Midlands Today " is broadcast from the Sky, Freesat and in the rest of Europe via Astra 2E at 28.2?East ( 10788V 22000 5 / 6 ).
  • When Astra 2E became operational in February 2014, all channels currently broadcasting from Astra 1N were moved to Astra 2E and Astra 1N relocated to its design location of 19.2癊 .)
  • When Astra 2E became operational in February 2014, all channels currently broadcasting from Astra 1N were moved to Astra 2E and Astra 1N relocated to its design location of 19.2癊 .)
  • Astra 2E was launched to the Astra 28.2癊 position from Baikonur in Kazakhstan on September 30, 2013 following a 10-week delay caused by the catastrophic failure of a previous launch.
  • The programme can be watched in any part of the UK ( and Europe ) from Astra 2E on Freesat channel 967 and Sky channel 957, and in select areas on Virgin Media channel 858.
  • At that time, channels broadcast via Astra 1N ( temporarily located at 28.2癊 pending Astra 1E's launch ) were transferred to Astra 2E and Astra 1N relocated to its design position at 19.2癊.
  • Astra 2E was launched to the Astra 28.2癊 position from Baikonur in Kazakhstan on 30 September 2013 to provide free-to-air and encrypted DTH digital TV and satellite broadband services for Europe and the Middle East.
  • The three craft, Astra 2E, Astra 2F and Astra 2G, are being built by Astrium on the Eurostar E3000 platform for K a band use in Europe and Africa, and will be launched between 2012 and 2014.
  • Astra 2E is the second of three'second generation'satellites for the 28.2癊 position to replace the first generation Astra 2A, Astra 2B, Astra 2C and Astra 2D craft originally positioned there between 1998 and 2001.
  • ASTRA 2E also delivers broadcast and VSAT services in Europe, Middle East and Africa in Ku-band . and Ka-band capacity will provide internet via satellite with download speeds of up to 20 Mbit / s to Germany.
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