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atomic emission spectrum造句

"atomic emission spectrum"是什么意思  
  • An atomic emission spectrum contains light of only certain specific wavelengths
  • The colors seen in fireworks are also due to atomic emission spectra of various elements
  • In contrast only a few widely spaced lines are seen in hydrogen ' s atomic emission spectrum
  • Each element has a unique atomic emission spectrum with different numbers and colors of lines
  • For example , neon ' s atomic emission spectrum consists of dozens of closely spaced lines , many of which are red or yellow
  • Hence , the spectrum is called a line spectrum ; it is also called an atomic emission spectrum , since it is produced by emission of light from excited atoms
  • Atomic emission spectrum and phase properties of the field in some atom - field coupling systems are investigated . effects of quantum interference between two different transition pathways on atomic emission spectrum and phase properties of the field are discussed
  • First the emission spectrum of an atom in a grey - body cavity is stuided . the influences of the incident field photon - number distribution , the cavity absorptivity and the system temperature on the atomic emission spectrum are discussed in detail . it is found that the influence of cavity radiation on the atomic emission spectrum could be reduced through diminishing the absorptivity of the cavity and lowering the temperature of the cavity
  • Finally we focus our attention on studying the emission spectrum of two atoms driven by a single - mode field in an ideal cavity . we showed that the atomic emission spectrum is insensitive to the phase of field for the two atoms initially in the coherent superposition state tf / = v2 / 2 ( j + , - ) h ? + } ) , when the two atoms is initially prepared in ( fs * } = cos ( 0 / 2 ] + , + ) + sm ( 0 / 2 ) ei ' p - , - ) , the atomic emission spectrum is associated with not only the field photon - number distribution and the atomic populations , but also the phases of the field and the atomic dipole
  • It's difficult to see atomic emission spectrum in a sentence. 用atomic emission spectrum造句挺难的
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