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baby arizmendi造句

  • Baby Arizmendi : Historians speak of this native-Mexican with reverence.
  • The second fight he lost to Baby Arizmendi by decision in San Francisco.
  • Following the match he fought Baby Arizmendi who was the California State World Featherweight Title and Miller was the National Boxing Association World featherweight title.
  • He defeated five world champions in non title fights including Freddie Miller, Baby Arizmendi, Tommy Paul, Lew Feldman, and Johnny Jadick.
  • He beat several world champions in a time when titles were meaningful _ including L . A . legend Baby Arizmendi, who twice outpointed the great Henry Armstrong _ but fell just short of winning a title himself.
  • He lost a 1933 fight to Baby Arizmendi for the California version of the world featherweight title, another fight in 1933 to Freddie Miller for the National Boxing Association featherweight title, and a 1935 fight against Pablo Dano for the California version of the bantamweight world title.
  • It's difficult to see baby arizmendi in a sentence. 用baby arizmendi造句挺难的
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