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  • 246 bce : india - the aryan hindus occupy ceylon
    印度? ?雅利安印度人占据了锡兰。
  • It was 2600 bce , now 2697 bce
  • Pottery was in use by around 5500 bce
  • 1500 bce : india - the aryans invade the indus valley region
    印度? ?雅利安人入侵印度河流域地区。
  • 600 bce : india - the brahmans , a priestly caste , begin to emerge
    印度? ?婆罗门,一个祭司阶级,开始出现了。
  • 537 bce : india - cyrus the persian campaigns west of the indus river
    印度? ?印度河流域西部的赛勒斯爆发了波斯战役。
  • The best - known site of this culture is mehrgarh , established around 6500 bce
  • 540 bce : india - mahavira , the founder of jainism , is born . he will die around 486
    印度? ?马哈亚维,耆那教的创始人诞生了,他于公元前486年死亡。
  • 1000 bce : india - between these dates , the early vedic period of indian civilization unfolds
    印度? ?在这段日子里,印度文明的早期吠陀时期展开了。
  • 200 bce : india - the mahabharata , of which the bhagavad gita is a part , is put into final form
    印度? ? 《摩河婆罗多》 , 《博伽梵歌》是其中一部分,最后成书。
  • It's difficult to see bce in a sentence. 用bce造句挺难的
  • It was written by aksapada gautama at an indeterminate date , but probably in the second century bce
  • 1550 bce : india - writing disappears from india for a time with the destruction of the indus valley civilization
    印度? ?印度河流域文明在一段时期里受到破坏,文献记载消失了。
  • 184 bce : india - the maurya dynasty ends when the last ruler is assassinated by an ambitious army commander
    印度? ?孔雀王朝最后一个国王被充满野心的军团司令官刺杀,孔雀王朝宣告结束。
  • A 3rd dynasty ( ~ 2630 bce ) record shows the definition of the curve of a roof , in sakkara , by a system of coordinates
  • 2000 bce : india - cultural exchange between the indus valley civilization and mesopotamia ( present day iraq ) is especially prominent
    印度? ?印度河流域与美索不达米亚(今天的伊朗)的文化交流尤为显著。
  • 250 bce : india - a general council of buddhist monks is held in patna , where the canon of buddhist scriptures is selected
    印度? ?佛教僧侣在巴特那(印度东北部城市)举行了一次大集会,佛教文稿的正典被选择出来。
  • 563 bce : india - gautama siddharta buddha , the founder of buddhism , is born somewhere in what is today nepal . he will die sometime around 483
    印度? ?乔达摩释达多,佛教的创立者,在今天的尼泊尔出生了。他在大概483年左右死亡。
  • The production of glass in japan dates back to the yayoi period ( 300 bce - 300 ce ) , and glass represents the oldest discovered craft in japan
    目前发现的弥生时代( bc300 ac300 )的工艺品中就已经有玻璃制品的存在、被认为是最古老的工艺品。
  • However , based on a lunar eclipse that josephus reports shortly before the death of herod the great , the birth of christ would have been some time before the year 4 bc / bce
  • This week witnessed the biggest private - equity offer in history , a buy - out of bce , a canadian telecoms operator , that would be worth a total of $ 48 . 5 billion
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