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be pleased to do造句

"be pleased to do"是什么意思  
  • Yes , mr. hu , we are pleased to do so .
  • For they were pleased to do it , and their debtors they are
  • Rom . 15 : 27 for they were pleased to do it , and their debtors they are
  • We contacted them yesterday and they wanted us to act as their references , and we are pleased to do so
  • " this means sometimes we have to do it under a deluge of rain or burning sun . but we are pleased to do it because we know that the measurements are valuable for weather forecasting .
  • " this means sometimes we have to do it under a deluge of rain or burning sun . but we are pleased to do it because we know that the measurements are valuable for weather forecasting .
  • It's difficult to see be pleased to do in a sentence. 用be pleased to do造句挺难的
如何用be pleased to do造句,用be pleased to do造句be pleased to do in a sentence, 用be pleased to do造句和be pleased to do的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。