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bell 214造句

  • The Bell 214ST included major design changes from the Bell 214.
  • Though it shares a type number with the somewhat-related Bell 214, the 214ST is larger and of quite different appearance.
  • When police arrived at the scene 20 minutes after the crash, the Bell 214 helicopter was burning and the two aboard were already dead.
  • The "'Bell 214 "'is a medium-lift helicopter derived from Bell Helicopter's ubiquitous UH-1 Huey series.
  • For a week in May 1999 the Royal Norwegian Air Force dispatched a Bell 214 helicopter at the hospital after the ordinary helicopter was being repaired and before a reserve helicopter could be placed into service.
  • A Bell 214 helicopter piloted by Major Deo Cruz of the 205th Helicopter Wing and Sikorsky S-76 gunships piloted by Colonel Charles Hotchkiss of the 20th Air Commando Squadron joined the rebel squadron earlier in the air.
  • As of 1976 Iran had acquired 500 M109 howitzers from the United States, 52 MIM-23 Hawk anti aircraft batteries with over 2000 missiles, over 2500 AGM-65 Maverick air to ground missiles and over 10, 000 Boeing CH-47C Chinooks and 287 Bell 214 helicopters.
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