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blocking techniques造句

  • Linemen will glare at familiar foes with familiar blocking techniques.
  • The movement of your body and the kicking or blocking techniques become slower,
  • Rams players did not like the Denver offensive linemen's blocking techniques.
  • He took an interest in improving his blocking technique.
  • Brown used him as a model to demonstrate blocking technique in training camp.
  • :Are you using any ad-blocking techniques?
  • The coaches want him to work on his timing and blocking techniques this week.
  • I really need to employ proper blocking technique.
  • Switzer even got up from their table and showed Leach some wishbone blocking techniques.
  • He received his Ph . D . in offensive-line blocking techniques long ago.
  • It's difficult to see blocking techniques in a sentence. 用blocking techniques造句挺难的
  • The linemen spend 30 to 45 minutes each day working on foot work and blocking techniques.
  • He also said complaints about dirty blocking techniques underscore a wider difference of opinion in the NFL.
  • At 5-7, 170 pounds, Miller did not exactly possess perfect blocking technique, either.
  • "They haven't seen the type of blocking techniques we use very often ."
  • Use the multitude of blocking techniques to censor your own family, not your neighbor's family.
  • The curriculum itself is mainly based on a general aikido curriculum, with a kyu / blocking techniques.
  • Has good upper-body pass-blocking technique but doesn't always move his feet well enough.
  • His teammates referred to him as'look-out', made famous by his signature blocking technique.
  • Last week, Philadelphia Eagles defensive lineman William Fuller complained about the blocking techniques of Cowboys offensive lineman Erik Williams.
  • The Giants say that the Raiders use the illegal blocking technique intentionally and that they will retaliate if it is done.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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