bunker hill afb造句
- In May 1959, the squadron, with B-47s, was reassigned to Bunker Hill AFB, Indiana.
- In May 1959, the 305th Bomb Wing with B-47s was reassigned to Bunker Hill AFB, later Grissom AFB, Indiana.
- The 720th was replaced by the "'455th Fighter-Bomber Squadron "'( 323d FBW ), stationed at Bunker Hill AFB, Indiana.
- In 1955, Strategic Air Command ( SAC ) began stationing units at the base, and the Eighth Air Force claimed jurisdiction of Bunker Hill AFB in September 1957.
- When the 305th Bombardment Wing was moved in June 1959 to operate the Bunker Hill AFB ( which was renamed Grissom AFB in 1968 ) in Peru, Indiana, the 305th AREFS was not part of the Wing.
- The squadron, still with B-47s, was reassigned to Bunker Hill AFB, Indiana in May 1959 . In September 1960, it upgraded to the B-58 Hustler supersonic medium bomber and was declared operationally ready in August 1962.
- The squadron, with B-47s, was reassigned to Bunker Hill AFB, Indiana in May 1959 and in September 1960, it was upgraded to the B-58 Hustler supersonic medium bomber; it was declared operationally ready in August 1962.
- *1964 USAF Convair B-58A-15-CF Hustler, 60-1116, of the 305th Bomb Wing, taxiing for take-off on icy taxiway at Bunker Hill AFB, Indiana, is blown off the pavement by exhaust of another departing Convair B-58 Hustler, strikes a concrete manhole box adjacent to the runway, landing gear collapses, burns.
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