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bunker hill community college造句

"bunker hill community college"是什么意思  
  • Now she is enrolled at Bunker Hill Community College, studying early childhood education.
  • The second BVFF, in October 1997, was held at Bunker Hill Community College.
  • James earned an Associate Degree in Commercial Art at Bunker Hill Community College.
  • The square is home to the Chelsea Public Library and Bunker Hill Community College.
  • Roxbury Community College and Bunker Hill Community College are the city's two public community colleges.
  • He would be replaced by Joe Sirois, who Barrett met at Bunker Hill Community College.
  • Meier said in the keynote address for the conference at Bunker Hill Community College in Boston.
  • The board met at Bunker Hill Community College.
  • Bunker Hill Community College and the for-profit Everest Institute hold satellite locations of their schools in Chelsea.
  • The station is named for the adjacent Bunker Hill Community College, the main population the station serves.
  • It's difficult to see bunker hill community college in a sentence. 用bunker hill community college造句挺难的
  • Major institutions include Bunker Hill Community College, Spaulding Rehabilitation Center, and a facility of Massachusetts General Hospital.
  • She enrolled at Bunker Hill Community College.
  • Later he was a strong enough student at Bunker Hill Community College to transfer to Amherst College.
  • Robertson, former president of Bunker Hill Community College, said she will leave Massachusetts at the end of August.
  • Rosenblatt attended Malden Catholic High School, and later, Bunker Hill Community College, where he was an honors graduate.
  • Today, Bunker Hill Community College lies to the west, with the Orange Line and Interstate 93 behind it.
  • Bruno brought two friends along on his liquor hunt, including 19-year-old Michelle Urban of Bunker Hill Community College.
  • "' Bunker Hill Community College "'( BHCC ) is a two-year, multi-campus community college serving the Greater Boston area.
  • Recent partnerships with Bunker Hill Community College and Northeastern University offer educational opportunities for those with high school diplomas.
  • Sirois, who grew up in Andover, Massachusetts, knew Bosstone's frontman Dicky Barrett from time shared at Bunker Hill Community College.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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