bunker hill mine and smelting complex造句
- This area was designated in 1983 by the Environmental Protection Agency as Bunker Hill Mine and Smelting Complex, the nation's second-largest Superfund site for cleanup.
- In 1991 the Coeur d'Alene Tribe filed suit under CERCLA against Hecla Mining Company, ASARCO and other defendants for damages and cleanup costs downstream of what has been designated as the Bunker Hill Mine and Smelting Complex Superfund site.
- It's difficult to see bunker hill mine and smelting complex in a sentence. 用bunker hill mine and smelting complex造句挺难的
如何用bunker hill mine and smelting complex造句,用bunker hill mine and smelting complex造句,bunker hill mine and smelting complex in a sentence, 用bunker hill mine and smelting complex造句和bunker hill mine and smelting complex的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。