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bunker hill mining company造句

  • The Bunker Hill Mining Company, however, did not.
  • The profitable Bunker Hill Mining Company at Wardner, Idaho fired seventeen workers believed to be union members.
  • The profitable Bunker Hill Mining Company at Wardner, Idaho had employed Pinkerton labor spies to identify union members.
  • In 1899 the Bunker Hill Mining Company had paid more than $ 600, 000 in dividends, and was considered profitable.
  • The Bunker Hill Mining Company at Wardner, Idaho, was profitable, having paid more than $ 600, 000 in dividends.
  • "' The strike of 1892 "'had its roots in the first pay cut by the Bunker Hill Mining Company in 1887.
  • The Bunker Hill Mining Company operated the only mines in the district that were not unionized, and the only mines that paid less than union scale of $ 3.50 per day.
  • In Idaho, Haywood was an official with the combative Western Federation of Miners in 1899, when strikers commandeered a train, stole 3, 000 pounds of dynamite and blew up the offices of the Bunker Hill mining company.
  • It's difficult to see bunker hill mining company in a sentence. 用bunker hill mining company造句挺难的
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