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bunker hill village造句

  • In 1981 4, 442 people lived in Bunker Hill Village.
  • By 1966 Bunker Hill Village became affluent and had two public schools and two churches.
  • Some Hedwig Village students are zoned to Memorial Drive Elementary School in Bunker Hill Village.
  • Harris County Precinct Three, headed by Steve Radack as of 2008, serves Bunker Hill Village.
  • All of Bunker Hill Village is served by Memorial High School, which is located in Hedwig Village.
  • Bunker Hill Village, Hunters Creek Village, and Piney Point Village jointly operate the Memorial Villages Police Department.
  • Bunker Hill Village is in Texas's 7th congressional district; as of 2008 John Culberson is the representative.
  • According to the city administrator of Bunker Hill Village, a municipality in Greater Houston, Brown worked in the city government as a part-time receptionist for one year in 2007.
  • In 2008, Forbes . com selected Bunker Hill Village along with Sugar Land and Hunters Creek Village as one of the three Houston-area " Top Suburbs to Live Well " of Houston.
  • They included Bellaire; Southside Place; and Spring Valley, Bunker Hill Village and Hunters Creek Village, part of a group of cities known as the Villages in the west Houston area along Interstate 10.
  • It's difficult to see bunker hill village in a sentence. 用bunker hill village造句挺难的
  • In 2008, " Forbes " selected Sugar Land along with Bunker Hill Village and Hunters Creek Village as one of the three Houston-area " Top Suburbs to Live Well ", noting its affluence despite its large population.
  • In 2008, Forbes . com selected Hunters Creek Village, along with the adjacent community of Bunker Hill Village and ( southwest suburban ) Sugar Land, as one of the three Houston-area " Top Suburbs To Live Well ."
  • While Bunker Hill Village is an independent municipality and not part of the City of Houston, the United States Postal Service uses " Houston " for all Bunker Hill Village addresses; " Bunker Hill Village " is not an acceptable city designation for mail addressed to places in Bunker Hill Village.
  • While Bunker Hill Village is an independent municipality and not part of the City of Houston, the United States Postal Service uses " Houston " for all Bunker Hill Village addresses; " Bunker Hill Village " is not an acceptable city designation for mail addressed to places in Bunker Hill Village.
  • While Bunker Hill Village is an independent municipality and not part of the City of Houston, the United States Postal Service uses " Houston " for all Bunker Hill Village addresses; " Bunker Hill Village " is not an acceptable city designation for mail addressed to places in Bunker Hill Village.
  • While Bunker Hill Village is an independent municipality and not part of the City of Houston, the United States Postal Service uses " Houston " for all Bunker Hill Village addresses; " Bunker Hill Village " is not an acceptable city designation for mail addressed to places in Bunker Hill Village.
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