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bunker hill造句

"bunker hill"是什么意思  
  • 1775 the battle of bunker hill , took place , with victory for the british under general howe over american troops in the war of independence
  • After immigrating to the united states in 1989 , i studied graphic design at bunker hill college and illustration at the massachusetts college of art
  • He had to work in a chinese restaurant and in other area he wasn t really interested in . " it was then that i felt strongly the need to learn english , " said yong . in 1990 yong enrolled in the esl program at bunker hill
    当我的美术作品在列卫亚大学画廊展出期间,美国新罕布什州当地报纸“ the telegraph ”报社的记者在展览厅为我作了一次长达一个多小时的专访。
  • Times , however , have changed and yong q . chen , who is currently exhibiting his art work at the bunker hill gallery , shows us that . in 1989 , maybe still in search for himself , yong immigrated to the us life wasn t easy in the states
  • Other revolutionary events included new hampshire s participation in the battle of bunker hill at which nearly all the troops doing the actual fighting were said to have been from this state ; the signing of the declaration of independence by new hampshire s josiah bartlett , matthew thornton , and william whipple ; general john stark s victory at the battle of bennington ; and the success of captain john paul jones at sea
    另外的一些历史事件还包括新汉普郡参加了bunker hill战役该州的josiah bartlett , matthew thornton和william whipple参加了独立宣言的签署john stark将军取得了bennington战役的胜利john paul jones船长远洋的成功。
  • It's difficult to see bunker hill in a sentence. 用bunker hill造句挺难的
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