- The Republic of San Marino dedicated a square to Marino Capicchioni, and erected a monument by the sculptor Marina Busignani Reffi in his honor.
- After reading the conclusions of Toker, Busignani found several inconsistencies that put some questionmarks to the dating of the levels that was based on the tombs.
- In this respect, Busignani objects that it cannot be understood why the attack of the ostrogoths should have been concentrated in this point at the north gate.
- According to Busignani, the new grand basilica and the baptistery in front of it must have been constructed in a united effort within a programme of a range that required efficient structures within the city.
- As described in the publication Camera Picta Alberto Busignani wrote : Sherman approached these bare, plastered walls, whose surface is broken only by two small windows facing the valley and framing a fragment of the landscape.
- This according to Busignani, is sufficient evidence to maintain that the basilica was built at the end of the fourth century or during the first decades of the following century, after the victory of the Roman army over Radagaisus.
- According to Busignani the baptistery is so atypical in its architectural structure that it could not be explained if not in tight closeness to classical Roman architecture and because the basilica had to be, according to logic, earlier than the construction of the baptesimal church, a dating according to the victory of 405-406 became necessary.
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