by any means 2造句
- Filming for " By Any Means 2 " commenced on 18 May 2009 leaving from Manly, Sydney with a bike convoy.
- Adventurer Charley Boorman visited and tried some of the delicacies such as snake penis and turtle testicles on offer during his television series " By Any Means 2 " in 2009.
- ""'Right to the Edge : Sydney to Tokyo By Any Means " "', also known by the working title " "'By Any Means 2 " "'is a 2009 adventure series by Charley Boorman and is a sequel to the 2008 BBC travel series and book " By Any Means " in which Boorman travels one from one place to another by any mode of transport . " By Any Means 2 " follows Boorman's journey from Sydney, where the last series finished to Tokyo.
- ""'Right to the Edge : Sydney to Tokyo By Any Means " "', also known by the working title " "'By Any Means 2 " "'is a 2009 adventure series by Charley Boorman and is a sequel to the 2008 BBC travel series and book " By Any Means " in which Boorman travels one from one place to another by any mode of transport . " By Any Means 2 " follows Boorman's journey from Sydney, where the last series finished to Tokyo.
- It's difficult to see by any means 2 in a sentence. 用by any means 2造句挺难的
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