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chapelle royale de dreux造句

  • They were both buried in the " Chapelle royale de Dreux ".
  • The lands of the " Chapelle Royale de Dreux, and became the necropolis of the royal Orl閍ns family.
  • Like his mother, he and his wife, Amelia ( 1782 1866 ), were buried at the " Chapelle royale de Dreux ".
  • He also decorated a chapel dedicated to Saint-Eustache and, like Ingres, produced cartoons for stained glass windows for the Chapelle royale de Dreux.
  • During the reign of Louis Philippe I, he was removed from Saint-Michel and placed in the " Chapelle royale de Dreux " on 2 April 1844.
  • Charles was buried at the Chapelle royale de Dreux, burial place of the House of Orl閍ns remodelled by his patenal grandmother Louise Marie Ad閘a飀e de Bourbon whom he never met.
  • Four days after her death, on 10 December 1869, Maria Carolina was buried in the Catholic Chapel of Weybridge until 1876, when her remains were returned to France by her husband to be buried in the Chapelle royale de Dreux.
  • She was buried in the new chapel which, after the accession to the throne of her son Louis Philippe, was enlarged, embellished and renamed " Chapelle royale de Dreux ", becoming the necropolis for the now royal Orl閍ns family.
  • Moreover, the duchess had also rebuffed " Monseigneur's " offers to host the wedding at the " Chapelle royale de Dreux " or to commission the wedding gown from a major French " haute couturier ".
  • Buried at the chapel at the Ch鈚eau de Rambouillet, he was later moved by his posthumous sister, Louise Marie Ad閘a飀e de Bourbon ( wife of the future " Philippe 蒰alit?" ), to the " Chapelle royale de Dreux ".
  • It's difficult to see chapelle royale de dreux in a sentence. 用chapelle royale de dreux造句挺难的
  • In 1876, his remains and those of his wife were taken to France and buried at the " Chapelle royale de Dreux ", the Orl閍ns family necropolis his mother had built in 1816, and which he had enlarged and embellished after her death.
  • On 11 May 1965 at Louveciennes the " lovers of the Gotha " ( as the press dubbed the couple ) were married in a civil ceremony and, the following day the Comte de Paris escorted his daughter to the altar at the " Chapelle royale de Dreux ", the Orl閍ns'traditional parish chapel and necropolis, for Catholic nuptials.
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