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chase manhattan造句

"chase manhattan"是什么意思  
  • Greater china and the philippines the chase manhattan bank
  • Chase manhattan asia limited
  • Chase manhattan bank , n . a
  • Cmb chase manhattan bank
  • During the following decade , banks such as chase manhattan formed venture - capital arms to invest in technology start - ups
  • He joined chase manhattan bank in 1996 , and became the chairman for asia - pacific of j p morgan following the merger of chase and j p morgan in 2000
  • Mr leung has served in senior management positions of major international banks in hong kong . he joined chase manhattan bank in 1996 , and became the chairman for asia - pacific of j p morgan following the merger of chase and j p morgan in 2000
    他在一九九六年加入美国大通银行该银行于二零零零年与j p morgan合并后,由梁锦松出任j p morgan的亚太区主席。
  • Eight distinguished speakers , including professor ronald mckinnon of stanford university , professor michael dooley of university of california , santa cruz , dr morris goldstein of institute for international economics , professor eisuke sakakibara of keio university , dr bijan aghevli of chase manhattan bank , mr glenn stevens of reserve bank of australia , dr ross mcleod of australian national university and mr scott roger of international monetary fund , gave their views on important regional and international issues , including movements in the yen exchange rate , the effectiveness and impact of capital controls in asian economies , and the evolution of the international financial architecture
  • It's difficult to see chase manhattan in a sentence. 用chase manhattan造句挺难的
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