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chinese gown造句

"chinese gown"是什么意思  
  • Photographs showed family and friends walking into the ballroom ; some wore tuxedos and a few were attired in red traditional chinese gowns
  • Before 6 : 00 pm , guests and fellow practitioners began pouring into the stadium . that evening , sister initiates , gracefully dressed in traditional chinese gowns , ushered more than 20 , 000 guests to their seats
  • Sparkling gold edition - resembling grace and glamour , jenny is dressing up in glittery golden chinese gown with her silky long hair . wine red edition - wearing bouncy curly hair in a delicate red chinese gown , jenny is embraced by magnificent oriental enchantment
  • It's difficult to see chinese gown in a sentence. 用chinese gown造句挺难的
如何用chinese gown造句,用chinese gown造句chinese gown in a sentence, 用chinese gown造句和chinese gown的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。