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county of dreux造句

  • He was confirmed in possession of the county of Dreux in 1441 by King Charles VII.
  • King Charles gave the county of Dreux as a dowry in the marriage of his kinswoman Louis XV.
  • It was founded by Robert I, Count of Dreux, a son of Louis VI of France, who was given the County of Dreux as his appanage.
  • The lordship of Albret passed to Alain, the grandson of Charles and Anne; the county of Dreux went to Arnaud Amanieu, but was later seized by Alain.
  • :: : The county of Dreux is a former French county named after Dreux, its capital, situated north of Chartres on the border of Normandy and the Ile de France.
  • It's difficult to see county of dreux in a sentence. 用county of dreux造句挺难的
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