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  • Continue up the hill towards the white dagoba
  • The white dagoba as we see it today was rebuilt in 1741
  • A dagoba differs from the more well - known pagoda in shape
  • Sitting on top of the hill on jade island , the famous white dagoba is a 16th century masterpiece of buddhist art
  • In times of danger , flags could be hoisted and lanterns lit around the white dagoba to summon the imperial troops into battle
  • Just before reaching the white dagoba is shanyin pavilion . this is an elegantly designed square building with a cone - shaped roof
    就在白塔前是善因殿。这是个非常优致的设计? ?方型的建筑上有着锥形的屋顶。
  • Add : 117 kunshan middle road , huanggu zone , shenyang china 10 minutes drive to city center , 10 minutes drive to railway station , 45 minutes drive to airport ; surrounding landscape : shenyang imperial palace , dagoba , west tower
  • After crossing yongan bridge to the island , pass through the colorful gate in front of you and enter yongan lama temple that delightfully leads up the hill via a number of halls and courtyards until you reach shanyin pavillion and the white dagoba ( described below )
    穿过永安桥到达小岛后,穿过“堆云”牌楼,出现在你眼前的就是永安喇嘛寺的入口你会穿过很多的大厅和庭院直到你到达善因殿和白塔寺之前(下述) 。
  • It's difficult to see dagoba in a sentence. 用dagoba造句挺难的
如何用dagoba造句,用dagoba造句dagoba in a sentence, 用dagoba造句和dagoba的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。