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dismal weather造句

"dismal weather"是什么意思  
  • dismal weather; took a dismal view of the economy
  • We were all depressed by the dismal weather
  • Despite the dismal weather that day many, people with an affinity for master s teachings came to the cozy, beautifully decorated seminar room set up by the initiates
  • I had reached the point where i was afraid that someone would come . i felt that only misfortune would come seeking me out at such an hour and in such dismal weather
  • Over 70, 000 people arrived in the olympic stadium in spite of dismal weather to witness the opening ceremony of the games of the 15th olympiad . 4, 925 athletes from 69 nations competed at the helsinki games
  • It's difficult to see dismal weather in a sentence. 用dismal weather造句挺难的
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