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  • Pierre Mauclerc was the founder of the Breton House of Dreux.
  • One day the mayor of Dreux will be named Muhammed,
  • Musee Municipal d'Art et d'Histoire, Dreux, France
  • He died in Dreux in northern France, France Info radio said.
  • However, problems developed immediately after their arrival at Dreux.
  • The Counts of Dreux were relatively minor nobles in France.
  • He was killed at the battle of Dreux in 1562.
  • In 1650, the plague broke out at Dreux.
  • He was buried at Dreux on 28 June 1650.
  • Thus the 106th operated from Chaumont AB, its headquarters remained at Dreux.
  • It's difficult to see dreux in a sentence. 用dreux造句挺难的
  • His remains were placed in the Royal Chapel of Dreux, in France.
  • He was a son of Charles II of Albret, Count of Dreux.
  • He was the son of Henry II of Bar and Philippa of Dreux.
  • Marguerite Joly became the star witness in the case against Francoise de Dreux.
  • She pointed out Dreux as her regular client in her capacity of poisoner.
  • Dreux was judged guilty in her absence because of the statement of Joly.
  • On 10 June the squadron moved back to Dreux.
  • Hamel says that Mrs . Stirbois is something of an immigrant to Dreux herself.
  • She is buried in the Orl閍ns family necropolis in the Royal Chapel of Dreux.
  • They were both buried in the " Chapelle royale de Dreux ".
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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