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due east造句

"due east"是什么意思  
  • The wind is due east .
  • According to this map , if we head due east towards monster rock ,
  • We ' re heading almost due east
  • He ' s holding court , due east
  • The direction or point on the mariner ' s compass halfway between due north and due east , or45 = east of due north
  • Anglesey ( spelled anglesea by mistake in the first edition of pa ) is an island off the west coast of wales , almost due east across the irish sea from dublin
  • I tried , and found by experiment that the tide kept sweeping us westward until i had laid her head due east , or just about right angles to the way we ought to go
  • It connected douglas park with washington or south park , and was nothing more than a neatly made road , running due south for some five miles over an open , grassy prairie , and then due east over the same kind of prairie for the same distance
  • It's difficult to see due east in a sentence. 用due east造句挺难的
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