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electromagnetic pulses造句

"electromagnetic pulses"是什么意思  
  • Calling us means you suspect an electromagnetic pulse weapon
  • And you guys know what electromagnetic pulse does, right
  • An electromagnetic pulse weapon
  • Activating electromagnetic pulse to disable the bank's security systems
  • Effects of electromagnetic pulse on n-methyl-d-aspartate receptor activity in rat hippocampus
  • electromagnetic pulse jamming
  • Effects of electromagnetic pulse on contents of amino acids in hippocampus of rats
  • Numerical simulation of the influence of high power electromagnetic pulses on gaas mesfet
  • Specification for safety protection against lightning electromagnetic pulse on computer information system
  • Possibility of medicine in preventing and protecting electromagnetic pulse-induced injury of hippocampal neurons
  • It's difficult to see electromagnetic pulses in a sentence. 用electromagnetic pulses造句挺难的
  • The cell toxicity of cyclophosphamide was also studied in high electromagnetic pulse field generated by gene pulser transfection apparatus
  • The interaction of stable plane wave and electromagnetic pulse fields with human body is studied in this paper based electric field stress
  • Therefore soon after their supernova birth, their rotational speed will become so low that they stop to emit electromagnetic pulses
  • The ground penetrating radar ( gpr ) systems usually use broadband electromagnetic pulse, so the antennas must be wideband and can couple electromagnetic energy into the ground
  • The result shows that the psd of the electromagnetic pulses consists of a continuous component and a discrete component, with the total power of the two parts being conservative
  • In other words, astronomers can only detect those extremely young energetic magnetars before they stop emittng electromagnetic pulses . consequently, it is extremely hard for us to find them in the sky
  • This paper discusses merits of ultra high voltage, the influence of high field on environment and people's health, and the interference of electromagnetic pulse resulted from corona to radio and television
  • The ultra-wideband ( uwb ) electromagnetic pulse technology is one of the most important and vigorous developing research fields for potential applications ranging from transient radar systems to high power jammers
  • In this paper, the calculation is made of the electric stress distribution and specific absorption rate ( sar ) distribution in the human body exposed to the stable plane wave and nuclear explosion electromagnetic pulse and microwave weapon electromagnetic pulse
  • In this paper, the calculation is made of the electric stress distribution and specific absorption rate ( sar ) distribution in the human body exposed to the stable plane wave and nuclear explosion electromagnetic pulse and microwave weapon electromagnetic pulse
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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