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extended enterprise造句

"extended enterprise"是什么意思  
  • Eea extended enterprise applications
  • Production planning and scheduling in manufacturing cell for the extended enterprise
  • Based on the result , extending enterprise model , peer - to - peer enterprise model and galaxy model is developed
  • Is a collection of tools for extending enterprise web and portal applications to mobile devices
  • Another pitchbook described another two senior analysts as " the most powerful combination in the extended enterprise space . .
  • A leading " digital hospital " deploys adobe solutions to further improve patient care and contain costs across its extended enterprise
  • Extending enterprise model serves for the logistics application of core enterprise , and peer - to - peer enterprise model servers for many enterprises . both models are used to design logistics information system
  • Sql server 2000 windows ce edition sql server ce version 1 . 1 is the compact database for rapidly developing applications that extend enterprise data management capabilities to devices
    Sql server 2000 windows ce edition sql server ce版本1 . 1是一个用于快速开发应用程序的压缩数据库,它将企业数据管理能力扩展到了对设备的管理。
  • This software extends enterprise applications to a wide variety of devices with middleware that comprise versions of ibm enterprise software such as db2e , mqe , service management framework , and java runtime environments
    该软件将企业应用程序扩展到大量具有中间件的设备,其包含ibm企业软件版本,如db2e 、 mqe 、 service management框架和java运行时环境。
  • Sqlserver2005 xmo ia64 . msi - 18025 kb microsoft sql server 2005 mobile edition use sql server 2005 mobile edition sql server mobile to rapidly develop applications that extend enterprise data management capabilities to mobile devices
    您可以利用sql server 2005 mobile edition sql server mobile快速开发应用程式,来扩充行动装置的企业资料管理功能。
  • It's difficult to see extended enterprise in a sentence. 用extended enterprise造句挺难的
  • Sqlserver2005 xmo ia64 . msi - 18372 kb microsoft sql server 2005 mobile edition use sql server 2005 mobile edition sql server mobile to rapidly develop applications that extend enterprise data management capabilities to mobile devices
    您可以利用sql server 2005 mobile edition sql server mobile快速开发应用程式,来扩充行动装置的企业资料管理功能。
  • Microsoft sql server 2005 compact edition is the compact database for rapidly developing applications in both native and managed environment that extend enterprise data management capabilities to desktop applications
    Microsoft sql server 2005 compact edition是同时能在原生及anaged环境中快速开发应用程式的精简资料库,可将企业资料管理能力扩充到桌上型电脑应用程式
  • Extended enterprise ( ee ) is recently economical substance of 21 century . this paper describes age background , cencept , between of difference of traditional enterprise , characteristics , compose , environmental construction and applied model of ee
  • Enterprise m & a is the core content of capital operation , the important means to extend enterprises and realize scale - economy , as well as the important way to implement business strategy and promote reasonable flowing of resources between enterprises
  • Sql server 2000 windows ce edition sql server ce version 2 . 0 is the compact database for rapidly developing applications in both native mode and the . net compact framework that extend enterprise data management capabilities to devices
    Sql server 2000 windows ce edition sql server ce版本2 . 0是压缩资料库,提供给原生模式及. net compact framework可将企业资料管理能力延伸至装置中迅速开发的应用程式使用。
  • Therefore , scm ( supply chain management ) becomes a new enterprise management philosophy . scm is a management philosophy based on extended enterprise . with the advanced management idea and information technologies , scm optimize and reengineer the resources in whole supply chain and make the supply chain work seamlessly in order to gain better service and achieve goal of win - win
    供应链管理是一种基于扩展企业的管理模式,它依靠先进的管理理念和飞速发展的信息技术,对整个供应链的资源进行优化和重组,实现企业间的无缝集成,以达到更高的客户服务水平,从而实现双赢( win - win ) 。
  • Microsoft sql server 2005 compact edition sql server 2005 compact edition is the compact database for rapidly developing applications in native mode or with . net compact framework or with . net framework and that extend enterprise data management capabilities to mobile devices , desktops and tablet pc
    Microsoft sql server 2005 compact edition sql server 2005 compact edition是在原生模式中或配合. net compact framework或. net framework快速开发应用程式的精简资料库,而且可将企业资料管理能力扩充到行动装置桌上型电脑及tablet pc 。
  • Driven by the requirements for analyses and with the cutting edge in the communities of software engineering and information systems , the author proposes the essence of erp of the next generation , deepens the concept , sums up it as eerp ( extended enterprise resource planning ) , and integrates some key technologies involved
    基于所分析需求的驱动,以及当前软件工程领域和信息系统领域的最新研究成果,作者揭示了下一代企业资源计划的内涵,深化了其概念,并将其概括为扩展企业资源计划( extendedenterpriseresourceplanning , eerp ) ,对其若干关键技术进行了研究。
  • He oversees products such as the adobe livecycle line of server software , enabling organizations to deploy solutions that effectively create , capture and integrate information and processes across the extended enterprise , and the macromedia flex product line , helping developers and enterprise develop and deploy applications that combine the richness of the desktop with the reach of the web
    他监管的产品包括adobe livecycle服务器软件系列和macromedia flex产品系列,前者允许组织部署可在扩展的企业范围内有效创建捕获和集成信息及流程的解决方案,后者可帮助开发商和企业开发和部署融桌面的丰富与web的覆盖范围于一体的应用产品。
  • The workplace client technology , micro edition , part of the ibm websphere family , provides an integrated platform for extending enterprise applications to server - managed client devices such as laptop computers , mobile systems , personal digital assistants pdas , and other mobile devices
    Workplace client technology micro edition是ibm websphere家族的一部分,它提供了一个集成的平台,用于将企业应用程序扩展到服务器托管的客户端设备(如便携式计算机、移动系统、个人数字助理( pda )及其他移动设备)上。
如何用extended enterprise造句,用extended enterprise造句extended enterprise in a sentence, 用extended enterprise造句和extended enterprise的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。